16th Feb: Notting Hill&shops
From our base, we moved to Notting Hill. I was expecting this from a while, because every time I had come here in L, I had not so much time for a serious walk in this beautiful part of the city.
Portobello is the tourist center of this shopping area, but the true heart of it is the network of internal streets and little shops dislocated in almost every little street of Notting Hill.
Portobello rd. is genuinely a tourist street: houses with questionable colours, a continuos line of tourists, gadget-vintage-antiquefake shops, and also a movie set. But, this is what I was looking for...except for those thousand of people at 10 am and the cooked onions smell!
However, it was a lovely morning. I hope to move someday here.
Harrod's was the next leg and a light lunch in Green Park. A sequence of gazes could describe Giorgia's feelings about taking a loooong walk to Regent street.
She obviously gave up!
I am still sorry for her blisters..
An afternoon of shopping and a dinner with proper fish&chips quaffed with two pints of british beer, each!
Unfortunately, the camera died in the morning, therefore I have now only few proofs of this glorious last day in L.
Luckily for me, there is no evidence of the after dinner not-so-much-sober walk to the tube!
We said goodbye to L at 4 am because of an early bird flight, but it was worth it completely.